I Asked Eric Marienthal How He Got So Good

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Eric Marienthal is one of the all time great saxophone players and educators. He has won Grammys, he has recorded countless albums and soundtracks including 6 of his own as a leader. He has performed with many of the world’s greatest musicians in a multitude of genres, and is also the author of several outstanding saxophone study books.

In this interview, Eric shares the surprising stuff he practiced for 8 hours a day while he was at Berklee, he tells us some great stories from his time touring with Chick Corea, and he lets us know what it’s like to record as a studio musician for major motion picture soundtracks.

Eric’s Marienthal’s Website ericmarienthal.com
Eric Marienthal’s online course artistworks.com/jazz-saxophone-le…s-eric-marienthal

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Dave Kay says:

Hi Jay! I just viewed your podcast interview with Eric Marienthal, and found it to be highly interesting and informative from both a teacher’s perspective, and musician’s optic. The podcast was “It’s How You Practice” was the first time I had viewed Eric online, and I was impressed with his positive demeanor and openness as a musician and performer. You posed great questions and your ability to provide solid interview and super exchange of information with Eric was exceptional. I’m a former jazz guitarist with the U.S. Air Force Band in Europe – specifically the Ambassadors Jazz Band. I have been teaching guitar and piano for over 35 years, and performed with several part-time bands. I’m exploring adding saxophone to my talent list, and your podcast with Eric has given me further inspiration. Thanks again for a great interview with Eric, and the knowledge provide in “practicing” will certainly be added to the lesson instruction provided to my guitar and piano students! All the best! Dave Kay

Michael L. Breaux says:

Jay! What a great video, and this is the second time that I’ve watched it; this time I got all the way to the end, and loved it. I’ve checked out your playing videos and am a fan!

Thank you for all of the videos and am looking to check out your reeds. For tenor, I’m playing a Nadir copy of the Michael Brecker II, and am currently trying the Boston Sax Shop reeds. What size of your reeds would you suggest?

Thank you way in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you as you are able.
Michael Breaux

Jay Metcalf says:

Michael, You can try the same strength as you are using with the BSS reeds.

Lou scholl says:

Luv your work. No. On.e alto in world. What was impression of Yuzo horn player in Tokvo Saki Room ? ALSO Vadim Elimkrig.? Luv jazz has been so embraised world wide..



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