I visited my friend John Leadbetter of JL Woodwinds in New York City last month and we had a great time making this video about the most sought after vintage saxophones ever. I think you’ll really enjoy this one. Details of each saxophone in the video are listed below, and John played each one on a BetterSax Burnin’ mouthpiece and BetterSax Jazz Cut reeds.
Selmer Mark VI (Alto)
- S-C Scroll
- Serial #: 55xxx
- American Engraved
King Super 20 (Tenor)
- Silver Sonic
- Solid Silver Bell/Neck
- Full Pearls
- Production Year: 1947
King Super 20 (Alto)
- Triple Ring Neck Strap Hook
- Solid Silver Neck
- Full Pearls
Selmer Super Balanced Action (Tenor)
- American engraved
- Original Lacquer
- Serial #: 54xxx
- Production Year: 1954
Conn 10M (Tenor)
- Lady Face Engraving
- Re-lacquered
- Rolled Tone Holes
- Production Year: 1937
Conn 6M VIII (Alto)
- Lady Face Engraving
- Silver Plated Gold Wash Bell
- Rolled Tone Holes
- Micro-tuner neck
- Serial #:311xxx
- Production Year: 1945
Selmer Balanced Action (Tenor)
- Lake Scene Engraving
- In Line Tone Holes
- Serial #: 28xxx
- Production Year: 1939
Bonus Saxophone:
Grafton Acrylic (Alto)
- Made in England
- Fully Overhauled
- Made famous by Charlie Parker in the Massey Hall Concerts
So what do you prefer playing, vintage or modern saxophones? There are definitely pros and cons to each. Watch this video next where I try to find out if the recently released Selmer Supreme is the new Mark VI we’ve all been waiting for.
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